Thursday, 21 November 2019


In an effort to combat climate change, we've decided to reduce or eliminate the consumtion of meat. We think that the best is a balance between these two options.

First of all, different studies prove that an abuse of meat consumption isn't sustainable. Cattle emit al least the 50% of greenhouse gases, the 30% ifthe world's land is used for raising animals for food uses although raising half a kilogram of beef uses up to 19000 litres of water that is equivaklent for you to showerfor a year. It's proven trhat the intake of meat reduces the risk of heart attacks, obesity or diabetes.

Nevertheless, there are some properties of meet that can't be replaced by just vegetables. For example, iron found in  meat is much more easily absorbed by the human body and also the vitamin B12 is only found in the animal protein. Moreover, eating meat helps human's brain to develop correctly, it also halps many families in their livelihood.

In conclusion, we think that the best solution is finding a balance between the abuse and the elimination of the consumtion of meat because, even though the proteins of meat are very important, there are some pills that can give you those proteins without the necessity of eating meat, which means that the balance is possible. Due to that, we think that with this solution we're going to keep our good health and also it is going to help to preserve the animals and the planet situation.

Resultado de imagen de vegetables"

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